With decades of experience and a track-record of favorable verdicts, you can rest easy knowing our attorneys have your best interest in mind.
St. Louis Bicycle Accident Attorneys
Call (800) 391-4318 If You've Suffered Injuries in a Bike Accident in Missouri
More people than ever are turning to bicycles for their daily commutes, short errands, or even a new form of exercise. This increase in riders has, unfortunately, coincided with an increase in accidents. In 2017, 857 bicyclists were killed in accidents, a 7% increase from 2017.
Injuries affect hundreds of thousands of bicyclists a year. Between vehicle passengers and bicyclists, bike riders carry most of the risk of injury. Helmets can only do so much against a collision with a heavy vehicle. Nearly 1 in 5 accidents involving automobiles result in serious injury or even death for the bicyclist.
A bicycle accident can negatively affect your life for years to come. Contact a St. Louis bicycle injury lawyer from Meyerkord & Kurth to pursue the compensation you deserve.
Who Is Liable in a Bike Accident?
Many drivers do not understand that legally, bicyclists have the same rights on the road as motor vehicles, even if they are operating at slower speeds. The only roadways they are not legally allowed to ride on are highways and interstates.
Drivers are required to pass bicyclists with care, leaving plenty of distance between their vehicle and the cyclist as to avoid causing injury. If the driver of a motor vehicle. When drivers get distracted, stressed or impatient, they may bend the rules of the road. Whether accidentally or on purpose, when this behavior causes someone else to be injured, they are responsible for the accident.
If a driver fails to pass with care, drives into a bike lane illegally, or doesn't yield right-of-way as they would another vehicle, they may be held liable for the damage they cause.
When we represent a client who has been injured or lost a loved one in a bicycle accident, we help investigate the accident to learn more about the driver’s conduct and identify mistakes they may have made.
Common Bike Accident Scenarios
National studies of bicycle accidents have uncovered trends in where and how they occur. A study by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) found that 2-lane roads were host to more than half of bicycle accidents; the higher the speed and the narrower the lanes, the more serious the victim’s injuries were likely to be. Bicyclists may also find themselves in danger in any intersection: whether entering the road from a driveway or sidewalk, crossing an intersection where cars often turn, or getting trapped by a short stoplight. Driver inattention coupled with bicyclists’ smaller profiles are a recipe for a dangerous accident.
According to statistics published by the Missouri Department of Public Safety in 2011, there were a total of 664 reported bicycle accidents statewide, resulting in 560 injuries and 1 death. Bike accidents accounted for 0.46% of all reported motor vehicle collisions throughout the state, and one person was injured or killed in a bicycle crash every 15.1 hours.
In 2016, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Security recorded 2,049 total fatalities from hit-and-run accidents. This is the highest number in recorded history and a 60% increase over the number of hit-and-run deaths in 2009. Sadly, pedestrians are bikers are at a higher risk than drivers; they have constituted nearly 2 in 3 deaths in these accidents. When hit-and-runs cause high-force and/or disabling injuries, the victim may not even be able to contact 911 for the help they need. Their condition may get worse with every extra minute they are forced to wait
Contact Us As Soon As Possible After a Bicycle Accident
We have over 100 years of combined experience and our St. Louis bike accident attorneys have a proven track record of success in recovering compensation for our clients. We can investigate the accident to find evidence to prove that the driver is at fault and will negotiate on your behalf with the insurance company over the value of your claim, even going to court if necessary to recover the amount you deserve.
Let us put our skill and experience to work for you! Call our firm at (800) 391-4318 today or use our online contact form to schedule your free consultation.
Commonly Asked Questions
How long do I have to file a bike accident claim in MO?
In Missouri, you have five years to file a bike accident claim, but taking action sooner is crucial. Acting promptly allows you to gather necessary evidence, collect witness statements, and organize all documentation in time to support your case. Consulting with legal professionals early can help protect your rights and maximize your chances of a successful claim. Waiting too long can lead to lost evidence or difficulty in proving your case, so it’s essential to act quickly. By addressing the matter promptly, you can focus on recovering and pursuing the compensation you deserve without unnecessary delays or complications.
Why hire our St. Louis bike accident lawyers?
Bike accidents can lead to a wide range of challenges, from mounting medical bills to lost wages and other unforeseen stressors. At Meyerkord & Kurth, we understand the difficulties our clients face and are dedicated to helping you pursue the compensation you deserve. With over a century of combined experience, our skilled team provides the expertise and support you need, allowing you to focus on your recovery while we handle the rest.

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