Wednesday in Longmont, Colorado a 25-year-old woman was arrested after driving while intoxicated. Furthermore, Kendra Marie Trimm also had her 5-year-old son in the car at the time as well. To make matters worse, Trimm struck the rear of a vehicle on East 3rd Avenue and Pace Street, and fled the scene. Lastly, Trimm eventually ran her car into the front of a home at 830 E. Fifth Ave. Along with Trimm's young son, she also had two other passengers inside the vehicle as well. Initially, the passengers were trapped inside the vehicle due to bricks from the house, but eventually they got out of the car and fled.
Sadly following the accident, Trimm tried to leave her son in the care of strangers that lived next door to the home she ran into. The boy was bleeding from the head, and the people refused to keep him. Shortly after, police arrived on the scene and both Trimm and her son were sent to a nearby hospital for the treatment of their minor injuries. Trimm told police she had only drank one beer prior to the crash, and refused a breath test.
At the hospital she agreed to a blood test, yet complained of needle pain when doing so and they were unable to get a viable sample. Trimm's son is currently in care of a relative, and she is now facing several charges including, DUI, reckless endangerment, child abuse, and leaving the scene of an accident. The other passengers that were inside the vehicle at the time of the crash were later apprehended by police, and arrested for unrelated charges. To read more about this story, please click here.
If you or a family member were harmed in a motor vehicle accident due to another's negligence or driving under the influence, we can help. Please contact the skilled St. Louis personal injury attorneys at Meyerkord & Kurth today for a free consultation.