It was, unfortunately, a night that a father and son from St. Louis will never forget. Likewise, what started out as a fun night a Blues hockey game, almost ended up in a fatal hit-and-run. On April 7, a vehicle near the Scottrade Center in downtown hit 19-year-old, Brendan Staub and his 49-year-old father, Mark just after leaving a Blues game. They did everything right and waited to cross the street just as the walk sign appeared. To Mark's surprise, just as soon as he told Brendan to start walking, all they heard next were squealing tires as a truck was reeling towards them. The driver was in an Illinois plated red pickup truck and fled the scene after hitting the two men. Police are still searching for the truck, and thus far have not had any luck in finding the person responsible.
Mark suffered many injuries to his lower extremities and legs. Brendan was thrown 25 feet away after the hit and was bleeding from his head and face; he required about 50 stitches to his face. Furthermore, Brendan's most recent injury did nothing to help his already debilitating undiagnosed neurological disorder he has been dealing with since age 8. When Brendan was young, he started having as many as 50 seizures a day for unknown reasons. Now, Brendan has been scared to leave the house following the first few weeks after their accident. Sadly, going to the Blues games was one of the only activities that brought the family joy after dealing with the weight of Brendan's illness. Now, the father and son happily enjoy rooting for their favorite team from the comfort of their home.
There is currently a $5,000 reward for the capture of the truck, which hit the father and son. The Staub's have a nonprofit foundation called, Brendan's Buddies, which has offered the reward. To learn more, please click here.
If you or a family member were injured in a pedestrian accident, the skilled St. Louis personal injury attorneys at Meyerkord & Kurth would like to help you recover from your traumatic experience. Please contact us today for a free consultation.