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ARCH helicopter pilot dies in STL crash


Tragically Saturday afternoon, 52-year-old, Ronald Scott Rector died when the medical helicopter he was flying crashed near St. Louis University Hospital in Missouri. The ARCH Air Medical Service helicopter had just left its base on Scott Avenue near Highway 40 just before it crashed close to Spring Avenue and Rutger Street, just west of the hospital. In addition, Rector was the only person on board during the Friday evening crash, as he was on his way to the hospital to pick up a flight crew.

Although the FDA is investigating the cause of the crash, the exact reason is yet to be determined, and is likely to take several months to complete. Witnesses who heard the helicopter crash say it sounded like an explosion, and a feared a bomb had gone off. Furthermore, after the crash, lots of smoke was seen from the crash site, as people began running to the accident site. At first glance witnesses say it was difficult to figure out what the object was that had crashed because it was so flattened. ARCH operations have been in business since 1979, and provide critical care to those in accidents, and transport them to hospitals and other medical institutions throughout Illinois and Missouri.

If you or a loved one was injured in a helicopter crash, the skilled St. Louis personal injury attorneys at Meyerkord & Kurth would like to hear from you. Please contact us today for a free consultation.

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