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Zofran unsafe in pregnant women


Morning sickness can be one of the worst feelings during pregnancy, yet it is far more tolerable than taking a medication that could harm your unborn baby. Furthermore, many physicians have prescribed Zofran to their pregnant patients to help them with nausea. Typically, Zofran is reserved for use in cancer patients that are receiving chemotherapy and radiation, or those who have recently had surgery. GlaxoSmithKline makes Zofran, and sadly although they have been receiving complaints since 1992 about the drug, they continued to market it as safe to use during pregnancy.

As a tragic result, women who took Zofran while pregnant are having babies with devastating birth defects; cleft palate, cleft lip, and heart defects. During research studies, Zofran was found to be unsafe for pregnancy. It was also found that Zofran reaches past the placental barrier when tested on animals. The FDA has not approved Zofran safe for use during pregnancy, and was placed in category B for safeness.

If you or a loved one has been affected by Zofran, or any other drug, the skilled St. Louis personal injury attorneys at Meyerkord & Kurth would like to hear from you. We are currently representing Zofran cases, and if this drug has injured you or your child, we can help. Please contact us today for a no-cost assessment of your potential case.

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