An 18-year-old University of Rhode Island student has been arrested for DUI after he caused a drunk driving accident. Matthew Laiennaro departed a fraternity party with a friend when he rear-ended another vehicle. The impact caused his 22-year-old passenger to sustain serious injuries, and he was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Authorities reported that Laiennaro was visibly intoxicated, and he admitted to being impaired. He was arrested and charged with DWI and issued a December 15 court date.
Despite the statistics, criminal consequences, and risks of injury or death, the offense of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol is committed thousands of times each day. According to Mother’s Against Drunk Driving, every two minutes an individual is injured in a drunk driving accident and 28 people lose their lives daily. DUI accidents are the most preventable type of auto accidents, and those responsible should be held accountable for the damages they cause. Individuals, and their families, injured or killed in a DUI accident will likely suffer physical, emotional, and financial damages. To recover compensation for your damages, it is important to contact a skilled St. Louis DUI accident attorney.
The drunk driving accident attorneys at Meyerkord & Kurth will fight aggressively to hold the driver responsible for your accident accountable. Our attorneys have handled thousands of accident cases and will provide you with the justice you deserve. We will work to recover the maximum compensation for medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and mental anguish. Contact us today to receive a free no-obligation consultation.