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Dog Bites Three at Rabies Clinic


Saturday at the Broadway Market in Buffalo, New York a dog bit three people. Furthermore, the dog bite accident ironically happened while the animal was at a rabies clinic. First, the dog bit the veterinarian who was giving the animal shots. Next the dog bit a worker who was handling the dog at the time. Likewise, the dog broke off its leash and bit a patron inside the clinic as well.

Since the dog bite attack the animal has been quarantined. The breed of the dog is still unknown but it is estimated to have weighed about 50 pounds.

Luckily the vet that was bitten was uninjured because it did not go through her leather shoe. The worker that was bitten was injured in the thigh, but will make a full recovery. Lastly the patron who was bitten was injured on the ankle and will be all right.

If you or a loved one is in need of a dog bite attorney, we can help. Please contact the skilled St. Louis personal injury attorneys at Meyerkord & Meyekord today for a free consultation.

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