After a long resistance, Recaro Child Safety Company has recalled seats due to a fix which would ensure betterchild safety. Furthermore, the recall was prompted after some of the car seats needed a fix so they would not break free in the event of a car crash.
Yet, the recall wasn’t something which crept up on the company suddenly. In addition, for the past 18 months Recaro has been resisting the recall of 173,000 child seats. The current Recaro recall precedes another massive recall made by Graco Children’s Products which was also fought by that company as well.
The Recaro recall was noticed as far back as late 2013 and early 2-14 by the NHTSA during routine crash tests for compliance with federal safety standards. What the NHTSA found was a serious problem which is the seat was not secure enough in a car crash and would therefore break free and fly forward.
Luckily Recaro has had no reports of injuries or failures from owners, and the company argues that outdated equipment was used for the tests. Finally with enough pressure, Recaro changed its mind and succumbed to the recall to ensure child safety.
If your child was injured as a result of a faulty consumer product, we can help. Please contact the experienced St. Louis personal injury attorneys at Meyerkord & Kurth today for a free consultation.