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Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Makers of Old Spice Deodorant


A class action lawsuit has been filed against Procter & Gamble's Old Spice deodorant for causing severe rashes and chemical burns. 13 Old Spice products have been named in the lawsuit and claim the Old Spice products are defective. Consumers are frustrated by the injuries they have suffered. Many have united, sharing pictures and videos online to show the severity of the rashes and burns. Procter & Gamble denies any wrongdoings and they claim it is an allergic reaction to the harmless ingredients.

Thousands of product recalls are reported every year in the united States. Many businesses fight responsibilities while people are injured using their products. Did you know there are product liability laws to protect you? Have you or a loved one been injured by a product because it was dangerous, defective, or was insufficiently labeled? The manufacturer or owner of the company may be held liable for the damages. However, holding a big business responsible can be a long and difficult process.

The product liability attorneys at Meyerkord & Kurth will walk you through a process to determine if you have a case. We can and will fight against any company responsible for your damages. Our personal injury attorneys are focused on family values and are ready to give you the representation you deserve. As experienced trial attorneys, we know the correct strategies to use for your case. We will work to recover the maximum compensation and you will owe us nothing unless a settlement or verdict is obtained. Contact us today to receive a free consultation from one of St. Louis’ best personal injury attorneys.

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