The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced yesterday that certain painkillers must carry a “black box” warning. Included are painkillers such as the immediate-release opioid painkillers like oxycodone and fentanyl. The “black box” warning is to raise awareness about the risk of abuse, addiction, overdose and death. The FDA is hopeful to educate doctors and their patients receiving such prescriptions. The black box warnings will help consumers find useful information about the prescribed drug online and pharmacists will also provide an informational medication guide.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that more than 40 people die a day from opioid overdoses. Many of these cases are accidental dosage and the combination of harmful medications. The FDA is not only targeting patients with information and warnings, but also the doctors who prescribe these drug. Doctors that prescribe high doses or harmful combinations are guilty of medical malpractice. The CDC reports that prescribed opioids by doctors have quadrupled since 1999. Some are saying that this step by the FDA is “too little, too late.”
Have you or a loved one suffered from a harmful dosage or dangerous combination of drugs prescribed by a negligent doctor? At Meyerkord & Kurth, our St. Louis medical malpractice attorneys fight for the rights of clients who suffered preventable harm at the hands of doctors. Throughout the years, our legal team has been trusted by victims to guide them through the complexities of medical malpractice claims and toward the compensation recovery they deserved. Contact our office today for a free no-obligation consultation.