In Virginia, four people were injured after an employee crashed his vehicle into a Silver Diner Tysons restaurant. According to police, the crash occurred this past Wednesday around 12:30 p.m. The car crashed through the restaurant and then burst into flames. Of the four people who were inflicted with non-life threatening injuries in the crash, three received medical treatment at the hospital, and one person refused treatment. Police report the driver of the vehicle suffered burns and received medical treatment at a nearby burn unit. His status is unknown. The Silver Diner Tysons restaurant expressed their shock and deep apologies to all involved. The accident is still under investigation, and it is unclear if charges will be filed.
Did you know there are premises liability laws to protect victims of injuries incurred on another’s property? The legal principle of premises liability dictates that the owner of that property is liable for an accident that was caused by negligence. If your accident occurs at a restaurant, it is often possible to recover compensation by filing a premises liability claim. This makes it possible for an injured victim to claim financial compensation for all damages. If you have been injured on someone’s property or at their place of work, please call St. Louis’ best premises liability attorneys at Meyerkord & Kurth. Let us review your claim to see if you have a case to recover compensation for your damages. Contact Meyerkord & Kurth, today to receive a free consultation from one of the best St. Louis personal injury attorneys.