A local man in Shreveport, LA had made repeated calls to the City councilman asking for help with the water leaks and again recently about his slip-and-fall where he hit his hip. The man watched the city water crews come out in July to mark off the problem area and has seen them remark it twice since. The water and sewer system of the subdivision are crumbling, and its residents want to see a resolution.
The process has been slow, and the city is addressing the city’s water system one section at a time, so the councilman is urging patience from the residents. In the meantime, the standing water is posing as a mosquito breeding ground as well as of recent a slip-and-fall hazard.
A hip fracture among older people occur each year in over 300,000 people 65 and older and are hospitalized. A broken hip is the most serious fall because it is very difficult to recover from, and more often than not people can no longer live on their own, or it could result in death. The CDC reports that 20-30% of falls lead to moderate or severe injuries, 100% of hip fractures are caused by falls, and one out of five hip fractures result in death within one year of the injury.
As statistics show, a slip-an-fall can be catastrophic and have life-altering effects on a person and their family. If you have experienced a slip-and-fall at the negligence of someone, we suggest that you consult one of our personal injury lawyers at Meyerkord & Kurth to determine whether or not you can hold someone liable. Our free consultation will help you get answers you need, and we will be able to make a plan of action if you have a claim. We serve clients throughout Missouri, and their reviews of our service truly speak for themselves. We are available 24/7, take the first step and contact our St. Louis firm.