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Missouri & Illinois Personal Injury Attorneys 800-391-4318

Driver Hospitalized After Accident


A two-vehicle auto-accident took place on Saturday around 6:30 p.m. in Clive, Iowa. As a result of the collision, one vehicle was turned upside-down, while the other was broken into two pieces - with one part left tangled around a light post and another ending up on a trail. Consequently, two people were hospitalized - their condition is not known. The incident is being further investigated for more information.

Driving after sundown is often a factor that contributes to auto-accidents. Drivers make decisions based on what they see, and less light means more vision impairment. It is estimated that the traffic volume at night is about half of the traffic volume during the day. Despite this fact, around 60% of traffic deaths take place in the nighttime. Vision impairment contributes to about half of these deaths. In order to avoid a nighttime auto-accident, it is important that drivers take precaution by driving slow, remaining focused, using headlights and rear lights, and never driving while fatigued or intoxicated. If an auto-accident occurs due to negligence, contact the Saint Louis personal injury attorneys of Meyerkord & Kurth.

Our team of personal injury attorneys located in downtown Saint Louis has a over a century of combined legal experience. Our attorneys will fight for the compensation you deserve, while also providing you with expert legal advice and support. To embark on your path to justice, contact Meyerkord & Kurth today for a free, no-obligation legal consultation; our team is available 24/7 to take your call.

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