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Missouri & Illinois Personal Injury Attorneys 800-391-4318

What You Need to Know About Filing a Claim After a Car Wreck


Following a car accident, the claims-filing process can be one of the easiest things to endure, or one of the most arduous and complex. In some cases, the negligent party accepts fault, their insurance company cooperates, and the claimant receives the compensation.

This isn’t always the case, especially when these accidents result in significant bodily and property damage.

In the more serious cases, there may come times during the process where the negligent party’s insurance company tries to protect their own profits and deny your rightful compensation. However, you have rights about which you should know.

There Is a Possibility to Settle Without Trial

After an accident, nobody wants to think of having to go through an entire legal process as it could be very stressful. As such, the injured party is hopeful for an adequate settlement offer from the insurance company.

During this time, have legal counsel on your side so you know whether or not the settlement can help cover the damages you’ve experienced. In some situations, the settlement may be just what you need, but at other times, you may need to counter the settlement offer or even take legal action.

Accepting the Settlement Means the End of the Claim

When you accept the settlement offer from the insurance company, that’s it. This forfeits your rights to pursue further compensation in legal matters. As such, you should not accept a settlement without speaking to an attorney who can detail your rights and help you understand the value of your claim.

At Meyerkord & Kurth, we have the experience and knowledge you need to navigate the claims-filing process in a confident manner. Our focus is on your best interests and helping you seek the compensation you deserve.

If you or someone you love has suffered an injury due to someone else’s negligence, you deserve to have a St. Louis car accident lawyer who is committed to helping you come out of this difficult situation on top.

Call our firm today at (800) 391-4318 for a free case review.

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