6 “Silent” Car Accident Injuries
Being the victim of a car crash can cause many physical problems and concerns. While some injuries are apparent and can be seen right away after an accident, others may not surface for hours — or even days later. Even when involved in a fender-bender, it’s crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible to rule out these “silent” car accident injuries.
1.Back Pain
Back pain after a car accident could indicate an injury to your muscles, ligaments, or nerves in your back. It could also be a warning sign of vertebrae damage.
2.Neck Pain
Neck pain can signify whiplash, which is a common car accident injury.
3.Abdomen Pain/Swelling
Experiencing abdominal swelling or pain could indicate internal bleeding.
4. Numbness
Feeling numbness in the hands or arms could be another warning sign of whiplash.
Experiencing headaches several days after a car accident is not uncommon. However, it could point to a blood clot on the brain, concussion, or neck injury.
6.Changes in Behavior
Behavioral and personality changes could be a sign of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Impaired thinking, memory, or difficulty moving could also indicate a TBI.
Injured in a Car Accident? Contact Us Today
Sustaining an injury in a car crash can be a harrowing experience physically, emotionally, and financially. From medical expenses and future costs to lost wages and pain and suffering, our team of attorneys are ready to negotiate settlements and argue court cases.
Contact Meyerkord & Kurth today at (800) 391-4318 to learn more about recovering compensation for your injuries.