With decades of experience and a track-record of favorable verdicts, you can rest easy knowing our attorneys have your best interest in mind.
St. Louis Boat Accident Attorneys
Were You Injured by a Negligent Boat Driver in Missouri?
Some of the most common and disregarded motor vehicle accidents are boating accidents. This is because many boaters decide to enjoy rides as a source of entertainment or do not give boats the same level of care as they would passenger automobiles.
However, like any other motor vehicle, boats have the potential to be extremely dangerous if proper safety precautions are ignored. In fact, reports state that more than 5,000 boating accidents occur every year, severely injuring many victims and killing others.
Some of the most common injuries that result from boating accidents are:
- Severe bruising
- Broken bones
- Fractured bones
- Concussions
- Paralysis
- Drowning
- Internal injuries
If you have been harmed in a boating accident, it may be to your advantage to contact one of our experienced St. Louis boat accident attorneys from Meyerkord & Kurth. This could be your first step towards recovery. Let us fight for you.
Causes of Boating Accidents
Like passenger automobiles, boating accidents can be attributed to a number of causes, most being avoidable. Below is a list of common factors which contribute to detrimental watercraft accidents.
Boating Under the Influence:
- Many boaters participate in drinking while operating the watercraft because they feel that boating is a part of their weekend getaway or vacation. However, drinking while operating a boat can be just as dangerous as drinking while driving an automobile.
Inexperienced Boaters:
- Many boating accidents occur when an inexperienced boater gets behind the wheel of a watercraft. Unlike automobiles, boats can be difficult to maneuver since the surface on which they glide is constantly changing. Furthermore, a boat’s maneuverability is far different from any other motor vehicle, making it extremely dangerous when inexperienced boaters operate watercrafts.
Distracted Boaters:
- Because boating is widely known as a hobby or as a way to enjoy vacation time, many boaters do not take into consideration the dangers of boating while distracted. In many cases, boaters may participate in conversation, use their cell phones, or participate in other distracting practices while operating watercrafts.
Many other factors may contribute to boating accidents. No matter what the case, it is important for any person involved in a boating accident to seek legal advice as soon as possible. You may be able to obtain financial compensation for any injuries you may have acquired in the accident.
Why Call Meyerkord & Kurth?
Our St. Louis boat accident lawyers understand the hardships a person and family may face as the result of a boat accident related injury. We do not believe that any person should ever suffer consequences of another person’s careless or wrongful actions. This is why we are here to fight for you. We pursue justice, and in the process, seek maximum compensation for you!
Don’t hesitate. Contact us online or call (800) 391-4318 today to begin your road to recovery!

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