With decades of experience and a track-record of favorable verdicts, you can rest easy knowing our attorneys have your best interest in mind.
Dangerous Road Accidents in Missouri
Recover Compensation in a Dangerous Road Accident Lawsuit
If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident that you believe was the result of design flaws or a lack of proper maintenance on a roadway, then we encourage you to reach out to our team at Meyerkord & Kurth for help. Our St. Louis injury lawyers have extensive resources at our disposal for proving such cases. What’s more, our team has a proven track record of success in handling these types of claims.
Find out if you qualify for a St. Louis dangerous road accident lawsuit. Call an injury lawyer at (800) 391-4318 for a free consultation!
Car Accident Cases We've Won Involving Dangerous Roads
The St. Louis injury attorneys of Meyerkord & Kurth have represented numerous clients in Missouri and Illinois who have been injured in motor vehicle accidents, including two cases in a single year for clients who filed auto accident cases over dangerous road defects.
Road Flooding Accident
The first case involved a car crash on Riverview Drive in St. Louis. The roadway featured a defect that allowed water to accumulate during rainfall, causing the accident victim's vehicle to drive into a pool of water six inches deep. She lost control of her vehicle, left the roadway, and collided with a tree trunk. She was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident, leaving her parents and 14-year-old child.
We represented her grieving family members in a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of St. Louis and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (MHTC), with a complaint that the city and MHTC knew of the road defect yet failed to take reasonable safety precautions. We succeeded in obtaining a $250,000 settlement from the city.
Our client's claim was met with considerable opposition from MHTC, which attempted to minimize its own liability to pay based on the settlement from the city. After a hard-fought battle, we were able to secure $392,734 from that claim as well, winning the family a total of $642,734.
Defective Highway Accident
In the second case, we represented a 30-year-old woman who suffered paralyzing catastrophic injuries when the tires on the right side of her vehicle dropped off the pavement on Highway H in Jefferson County, causing her vehicle to flip over an embankment. Our client was stranded in her vehicle for eight hours through the winter night. In the morning, she was found with severe spinal cord injuries, a serious brain injury, and fractures to her ribs.
As a result of her injuries, our client faces a future of living with paraplegia. With the help of an expert highway engineer, our firm was able to demonstrate that our client was not the only driver to suffer an accident on that section of roadway. In fact, the curve where our client's vehicle left the road was reported as being nearly three times more dangerous than the acceptable limits set by the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT). Our client was awarded the full amount recoverable according to statutory caps on cases against MoDOT.
Common Causes of Dangerous Road Accidents
Many accident victims don’t know that they have the right to sue for dangerous roads.
Here are a few examples of road hazards that provide grounds for a legal claim:
- Poor lighting
- Defective guardrails
- Missing medians
- Incorrect speed bumps
- Poorly painted road lines
- Defective traffic lights
- Worn-out or missing road signs
- Dangerous road design
- Dangerous intersection design
- Small roads, such as with limited width
- Small road shoulders, especially if there isn’t enough room to pull over
- Poor road maintenance, such as broken or cracked roads
- Fallen trees or other objects on the road/highway
Although many of us are used to driving on old, poorly maintained roads, that doesn’t mean there is no recourse available in the event of a dangerous road accident. When negligence causes injury to you or a loved one, you have rights! Our St. Louis injury lawyers will help you exercise them.
Contact us now for a free consultation to learn whether you have grounds for legal action. If so, we can help you take the first steps toward recovering compensation.

More Than $450,000,000 Recovered for Our Clients
Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys Serving Missouri & Illinois
$844,711 Amputation Injury
$225,000 Auto Accident
$75,000 Auto Accident
$77,500 Auto Accident
$125,000 Auto Accident
$447,500 Auto Accident