With decades of experience and a track-record of favorable verdicts, you can rest easy knowing our attorneys have your best interest in mind.
Emergency Room Error Attorneys in St. Louis
Complications Resulting From ER Physician’s Mistakes Can Be Costly and Life-Changing. You Deserve Justice.
A high volume of patients in critical condition combined with staff shortages can often contribute to errors being made in an emergency room. Some of these errors are minor and lead to simply an inconvenience for the patient, but others are serious enough to cause significant injury or illness to a patient who is being treated.
Patients may be eligible to sue for recourse if they suffered from errors such as:
- Failure to properly evaluate/treat a condition
- Misdiagnosis
- Failure to diagnose
- Blood transfusion injuries
- Faulty/incorrect laboratory tests
- Medication errors
- Failure to properly monitor patients
If an emergency room doctor’s bad decisions made your condition worse, you could be able to recover compensation to help cover your medical bills and other expenses you faced due to the error. Our team is here to help you weigh the benefits of filing a claim against a negligent physician or facility.
Call (800) 391-4318 to set up your free consultation with one of our attorneys. Our client-first approach has helped many other victims of medical malpractice get the answers they need.
Errors in the Emergency Room
Because patients in the emergency room often have critical medical conditions, an error made can make the difference between recovery and serious complications. With such high stakes, emergency room staff must be focused and competent in doing their duties and, if they are not, they should be held fully responsible for any damages they cause.
Meyerkord & Kurth is a medical malpractice law firm that is available to assist you if you or a loved one has suffered harm due to an emergency room error. We know how much an unexpected medical expense can stress patients and their families. You should not have to pay for the errors of a negligent doctor.
Misdiagnosis Is More Common in the ER
Though a doctor at any level or in any department can jump to conclusions or mistake the meaning of a patient’s symptoms, misdiagnosis is more common in the ER than in other in-patient care. This may be caused by a clinician’s error or by a larger issue with the workflow. Therefore, though a doctor’s experience and knowledge can be a factor, a lack of time and other resources may exacerbate uncertainty or cause wrong decisions.
Some frequently misidentified conditions among ER patients are:
- Bacterial meningitis
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Aortic dissection
- Epidural abscess
- Myocardial infarction
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Pulmonary embolism
- Stroke
For some of these conditions, mere minutes can make a huge difference in patient outcomes.
Caregivers Should Follow Expert Guidelines
Some hospitals pride themselves on a method-focused approach to treatment wherein certain procedures and/or algorithms are used to evaluate patients and determine the type of care they need. However, facilities may make their own programs that do not follow patient screening recommendations laid out by specialists. This can result in an inexcusable misdiagnosis.
If you discover you weren’t properly diagnosed because a hospital required its workers to take unorthodox steps in identifying certain ailments, you are likely to have a claim against the facility as a whole. However, discovering this type of malpractice can be difficult on your own. Our attorneys can help you thoroughly investigate your claim and identify all liable parties so you can increase your chance for compensation.
Contact Our St. Louis Emergency Room Error Lawyers
Our team at Meyerkord & Kurth takes your concerns seriously. We are client-focused, listening to you so we understand your needs and goals before we provide advice. We will keep you up-to-date on new developments in your case and make sure you have the information you need to make important choices about your cause. If we are not able to negotiate a fair settlement for you, we are not afraid to take your case to trial.
We have more than 100 years of combined experience and will do everything we can to obtain a favorable outcome in your case. Call us now at (800) 391-4318 for a free consultation.

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