With decades of experience and a track-record of favorable verdicts, you can rest easy knowing our attorneys have your best interest in mind.
Dog Bite Injury Attorney in St. Louis
Immediate Steps After a Dog Bite in St. Louis
Every day, more than 1,000 people are treated in emergency rooms across the country for injuries suffered in dog bites and other attacks. A disproportionate percentage of the victims of dog attacks are children.
If you or your child has been bitten by a dog, it is advisable to:
- Get medical treatment as soon as possible.
- Find out the dog's identity, the identity of its owner and where the owner lives. It is important for the owner to be located, so that you can file an injury claim against his or her insurance policy
- Take photos of your bite injuries and of any torn or bloody clothing that you wore during the attack. If possible, take photos of the dog and of where the attack occurred, as well as getting the names and contact information of anyone who could act as a witness in the case.
- Do not, under any circumstances, give a statement to the insurance company. It may come back to bite you later if you do.
- Do not sign any documents or paperwork. It is the intention of insurance companies to try to settle cases quickly for the lowest amount possible. They often take advantage of the time when individuals may still be hurting and under stress from their injuries by offering a fast and easy settlement which is far less than the amount that is deserved.
- Contact an experienced personal injury attorney who understands the Missouri dog bite liability laws and knows how to negotiate with insurance companies to obtain the best settlement possible for you.
Understanding Missouri Dog Bite Laws
Pursuant to Missouri law an owner of a dog that attacks another individual is held strictly liable for their dogs actions. In other states there is a requirement that the dog has a history of being aggressive and that the owner is aware of the dog’s characteristics. This is known as the “one bite rule.” In other words, the dog gets one bite before it is acknowledged as a dangerous dog. As such, in Missouri once a dog attacks, even on the first instance, an individual the owner of that dog can be held liable for the resulting damage.
Building a Strong Dog Bite Injury Case in St. Louis
Hire your attorney as soon as possible after seeking medical treatment. The skilled attorneys at Meyerkord & Kurth can help you by investigating the attack, speaking with witnesses, gathering evidence, going the scene of the accident and locating and talking to the dog's owner. We serve as the conduit between you, the insurance company and your doctor, and we request all necessary documentation from each party so that you don't have to.
A dog bite attack can be both physically and emotionally traumatic. If you or your child has been the victim of a dog attack, call us as soon as possible so we can quickly start working on your case. We will fight for the fair and just compensation you deserve for your injuries.
The skilled St. Louis personal injury attorneys at Meyerkord & Kurth have more than 100 years of combined experience, understand that your family’s safety is a top priority, and should be represented as such. The firm has a proven track record in successfully handling and settling countless dog bite claims, and will fight vehemently to get you the compensation you deserve.
Please call today at (800) 391-4318 to schedule a free consultation and discuss your case.

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