With decades of experience and a track-record of favorable verdicts, you can rest easy knowing our attorneys have your best interest in mind.
Truck Accident Investigations
When you hire an attorney from Meyerkord & Kurth to represent you in your personal injury or wrongful death claim after a truck accident, you can benefit from the fact that we have extensive resources at our disposal for investigating claims such as yours. Our firm locates, interviews, and retains top national experts who can provide invaluable testimony regarding the causes of our clients' accidents, and we frequently travel great distances to meet with these experts face to face.
We don't just take the easy cases that require little or no work. Instead, we commonly take on challenging and complex cases that require meticulous research, study, and preparation - and we win these cases, as evidenced by the fact that we have recovered more than $450 million for our clients.
It would be difficult to overstate the vital importance of fully investigating an accident to discover any and all evidence that can be used to support an injury claim. After all, the insurance company has its own team of investigators and adjusters whose primary goal is to find evidence to defeat claims such as yours, and they are very good at what they do.
Therefore, we invest considerable time and resources in gathering medical records, witness statements, photographs of the accident scene, and the expert testimony of accident recreation specialists, all with the goal of building a solid case for our client.
Contact Meyerkord & Kurth
By retaining our services, you are giving yourself a dedicated personal advocate and a team that will take responsibility for your claim. When you work with our team of St. Louis truck accident attorneys, you get an unparalleled level of legal experience and service. You can, additionally, greatly assist us in proving your case by taking a few relatively simple actions now.
If at all possible, take photographs of your injuries before they heal. Maintain meticulous records of all the expenses you incur in relation to your accident, from your medical bills to the income you have lost. Keep a daily journal about how your injuries and symptoms have affected your ability to go about your normal routine and your capacity to enjoy life. Such evidence can be of enormous value in proving the full scope of your accident claim.

More Than $450,000,000 Recovered for Our Clients
Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys Serving Missouri & Illinois
$844,711 Amputation Injury
$225,000 Auto Accident
$75,000 Auto Accident
$77,500 Auto Accident
$125,000 Auto Accident
$447,500 Auto Accident