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Electronic On-Board Recorder
Accidents Caused by Trucker Fatigue
Any type of motor vehicle collision can cause devastating damage to drivers and passengers, but this is especially true of accidents involving 18-wheeler trucks. Some truck accidents are caused by the driver of the smaller vehicle or by other factors, but many are the direct result of negligence on the part of the trucker, such as driving while fatigued, speeding, or other types of reckless driving.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) imposes strict regulations on the industry in an effort to reduce the number of injuries and deaths caused by truck collisions every year, such as enforcing the hours of service rules, which limit the time a driver can spend on the road before stopping to rest.
Many Truckers Cheat the System
Unfortunately, many drivers flaunt the regulations by staying on the road longer than permitted or by committing other safety violations. Indeed, they have an incentive to do so as they are under pressure to meet steep delivery deadlines and are often paid by the mile.
Violating the hours of service rules is relatively easy — the driver simply has to input acceptable figures in the logbook and hope that nobody will conduct a thorough investigation. There is, however, a solution to keep tired truckers off the road and prevent accidents called an electric on-board recording device.
About Electronic On-Board Recording Devices
The FMCSA is currently moving to make it mandatory for truck carriers to install automatic on-board recording devices in their trucks. The tool is defined by the agency as a "device capable of recording [a] driver's duty status information accurately and automatically," and which records "engine use, road speed, miles driven, the date, and time of day." Some truckers have raised concerns over privacy violations, but as long as innocent people continue to be maimed and killed in accidents caused by negligent truck drivers, people's safety will trump trucker privacy.
Tired driving is a major problem in the trucking industry: The FMCSA reports that it conducted 3.5 million roadside driver inspections in 2011 and issued 1.2 million citations, nearly half of which were for hours of service violations.
Making electronic on-board recording devices mandatory would most likely make it possible to catch more truckers who break the rules, as well as discourage others from doing so. If you suspect that a negligent truck driver caused your personal injury, speak with a Missouri accident lawyer from Meyerkord & Kurth.
Considering a Lawsuit? Contact Our Missouri Truck Accident Attorneys
If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a truck accident caused by a truck driver who was fatigued at the time of the collision, come to Meyerkord & Kurth for help in claiming compensation and securing justice for your losses. We work to help our clients recover monetary damages, as well as to make the roads safer for everyone by holding truck drivers accountable for their negligence.

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