With decades of experience and a track-record of favorable verdicts, you can rest easy knowing our attorneys have your best interest in mind.
Drunk Driving Truck Accidents
Filing a Lawsuit for Your Injuries
When we share the highways in the St. Louis area with large commercial trucks, we likely do not consider that we may be in serious danger of an accident. Sadly, there have been tragic cases in which an accident was caused by a drunk truck driver. Truck drivers are required by federal law to have certification in order to get a commercial license. They are aware that their license will be revoked if they are found to driving drunk, but astonishingly, some of them continue to drive while intoxicated and innocent victims pay the price for their negligence.
If you or your loved one has become a victim of DWI accident caused by a drunk trucker, we understand what a major impact your injuries may have had on your life. In many cases, the injuries suffered in such accidents require extensive medical care and treatment, sometimes for the lifetime of the injured victim. In cases in which the victim has suffered a catastrophic injury such as paralysis, a brain injury or loss of limb, the claim must reflect the seriousness of the case and provide for the future care and income of the injured victim.
Let Us Fight for You
At Meyerkord & Kurth, our Missouri truck accident lawyers take on injury cases with an unmatched dedication to our clients. We fully understand how important the outcome of the case is to the injured and their families, and we give each case our full focus and attention. Drunk driving cases are often considered by the courts to be criminal negligence, and in such cases we may be able to seek punitive damages beyond the ordinary damages.
Any case should make a demand for all medical costs, lost wages, future financial losses and pain and suffering. We invite you to contact our firm to discuss your case and to learn how we can help you claim compensation for an alcohol-related accident.
Speak with the Missouri truck accident lawyers from our firm for additional information about your legal options.
Drugged Driving Lawsuits
Impaired driving – including driving while intoxicated and driving under the influence of drugs – has become an overwhelmingly serious problem on American roads and highways. Each year, impaired driving claims the lives of thousands of Americans, and injures even more. A drunk or drugged driver can pose serious risks to public safety. When an impaired driver is behind the wheel of a commercial semi-truck or 18-wheeler that can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds, the risks of serious accidents, injuries, or wrongful death increase dramatically.
Strict Truck Driver Drug Policies
Just as truck drivers are held to strict drunk driving laws, they are also required to abide by strict drug policies. Truck drivers are prohibited from driving under the influence of both illegal drugs and prescription medications that impair their ability to safely operate a vehicle. Unfortunately, drug use among truck drivers is widespread, and drugs such as marijuana, methamphetamine, and other stimulants have been found to play a role in many trucking accidents.
Who Can Be Held Liable?
Because impaired truck drivers pose such extreme risks on public roadways, they are required to abide by strict regulations. Trucking companies are also obligated to play a role in ensuring that their drivers do not get behind the wheel. When truck drivers fail to abide by these rules – or when trucking companies fail to keep impaired drivers off the road – they can each potentially be held liable for any damages victims suffer as a result.
Trucking companies are required to take reasonable steps to reduce the likelihood of preventable accidents. By not performing routine drug tests, not identifying signs of drug abuse, and not getting drivers the help they need, they create a potential for danger. In the event that drivers disobey drug policies and trucking companies continue to allow them to drive, liability may fall on trucking companies.
Learn More About Your Rights During a Free Consultation
Driving under the influence of drugs is a negligent, dangerous, and illegal act. Any motorist – including truck drivers – who causes an accident or injury while driving under the influence can be held liable for victims' damages. If you or your loved one has recently been injured in a truck accident caused by an impaired driver, allow our truck accident attorneys in Missouri to review your case, inform you of your rights, and explain how we can fight for the compensation you deserve.
For a free consultation, call (800) 391-4318 or contact us online. Our Missouri truck accident lawyers are here to help you.

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